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Wow! Where Did They Come From?
What a year 2016 is shaping up to be. We’re so surprised and absolutely delighted to have won 2 prestigious business awards!
Being crowned ‘Independent Retailer of the Year’ by Jonathan Dimbleby at the Cambridge Business Excellence Awards was a fantastic honour. The panel of judges particularly liked the way we encourage team development and careers in food.
Last week we travelled to The House of Lords for the annual Countryside Alliance Awards, otherwise known as The Rural Oscars. We were over the moon to be named the country’s ‘Local Food Champions’ as we were recognised for our commitment to supporting local farmers, suppliers and food producers.
The farm has grown astoundingly but we wouldn’t be where we are without our loyal and supportive customers so we’d like to thank you for your commitment to us and for all of the congratulations that we’ve received.
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